With Baker Ruskinn’s range of Portable Physoxia Hypoxia Chambers, now everyone can culture as nature intended. Conduct microscopy, irradiation or simply capture your desired environment for uninterrupted cell culture.
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Maintain Physiological Environment
- Portable solution for continuous physoxia studies
- Designed to fit in any Incubator or Workstation
- Ideal for short term hypoxia studies or long term storage
- See through glass for high resolution imaging
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When used in conjunction with a hypoxic incubator and/or a physiological cell culture workstation CondoCELL can provide true, continuous physiological control over the entire cell culture system.
CondoCell captures the environment of any incubator or workstation making continuous, uninterrupted culture accessible to all. When coupled with a workstation, CondoCell helps avoid any disruption in the delivery of temperature, humidity, and gas (oxygen) to the culture environment. CondoCell may also be paired with any incubator (Standard CO2 or Tri-Gas) to deliver stable, uninterrupted control of the intended growth environment AND reduces the likelihood for cross contamination within the incubator, from shelf to shelf and cell line to cell line. When used together, CondoCell facilitates continuous, uninterrupted control over the entire chain, never exposing your cells to oxidative stress from the outside.
CondoCell eliminates the harmful effects cells currently experience within most in vitro tools by delivering stable, uninterrupted control over the growth conditions they require (and deserve!) to thrive. With CondoCell you can be confident that your work will never be compromised by the limitation of your existing equipment, resulting in more, better and happier cells.
Gas Controller and Cell Culture Chamber
- Hypoxic Cycling
- O2 control (from 0.1% to 20.0% in 0.1% increments)
- CO2 control (from 0.1% to 20.0% in 0.1% increments)
- Easy user set up, takes around 10 minutes
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Baker Ruskinn’s PhO2x Box is a new, easy to use and economical Physoxia/Hypoxia system designed for in vitro cell culture experiments. PhO2x Box comprises a Gas Controller (with both O2 and CO2 control) and a Cell Culture Chamber.
The Cell Culture chamber can be placed on a lab bench, or be placed inside an Incubator or a Workstation, while the Gas Controller remains outside. The Cell Culture Chamber has removable shelving and can accommodate microtiter well plates, small flasks and petri dishes.
For customers who already have Hypoxia Workstations, PhO2x Box will provide them with the ability to install a second – or even third – independently controlled atmosphere in parallel with the main chamber.
This expands the experimental capacity of those workstations, bringing much more flexibility and productivity to the lab.
Accessible Mobile Oxygen Control
- Compact, continuous hypoxic/physoxic environment
- Irradiation and microscope compatible
- Ideal for short term hypoxia studies
- Portable, plug and play with 2hrs. battery
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OxyGenie is a low oxygen culture system for plant and cell biology. A miniaturized incubation platform, OxyGenie delivers researchers with a small, portable and continuous physoxic (hypoxic) environment for short term physiological oxygen and temperature studies.
OxyGenie is ideal for conducting high resolution microscopy or irradiation under physiological oxygen conditions, further extending the time in which your cells can be exposed to in vivo like cell growth conditions. OxyGenie is a key tool for use in proof of concept or start-up validation for physiological cell culture within your lab, with minimal risk.
All life science related research can now utilize technology delivering controlled, physiologically relevant conditions at an economical price! Get results equivalent to research carried out within an InvivO2 workstation with OxyGenie (cell morphology and cell health).
Open Baker GROW Physoxia Solutions Brochure – See Whole Range of Products
Open ReCO2ver Bundles Brochure – Bundle with CondoCell and PhO2xBox
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